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8.5 Updates

The updates listed below will ONLY work on Mariner Advancement version 8.5 and will irreparably damage other versions.


Deck Software Updates

  • Note: This update will reset Correctly Answered and Tagged Questions in Deck Safety, and Nav Gen. All other sections should not be affected.
  • MA AB-Lifeboatman 8.5 - Mar 2024 - Added questions to Deck Gen, Nav Gen, Safety, and removed duplicates.

    MA OUPV 8.5 - Aug 2023 - Updated and improved quality of USCG illustrations.

    MA Master+Mate200-100-50GRT 8.5 - Mar 2024 - Added questions to Deck Gen, Nav Gen, Safety, and removed duplicates.

    MA Inland Only + Great Lakes 8.5 - Mar 2024 - Added questions to Deck Gen, Nav Gen, Safety, and removed duplicates.

    MA Mate500-1600-3rd-2nd 8.5 - Mar 2024 - Added questions to Deck Gen, Nav Gen, Safety, removed duplicates and added chart plot questions.

    MA Master500-1600GRT 8.5 - Mar 2024 - Added questions to Deck Gen, Nav Gen, Safety, and removed duplicates.

    MA Master-ChiefMateUnl 8.5 - Mar 2024 - Added questions to Deck Gen, Nav Gen, Safety, and removed duplicates.

    Engineering Software Updates

  • Note: This update will reset Correctly Answered and Tagged Questions in Motors. All other sections should not be affected.
  • MA QMED Oiler 8.5 - July 2024 - Updated and improved quality of USCG illustrations.

    MA QMED Jr Eng 8.5 - July 2024 - Updated and improved quality of USCG illustrations.

    MA DDE 8.5 - July 2024 - Added new motors and general questions, updated some illustrations and includes previous updates.

    MA Chief Limited 8.5 - July 2024 - Added new motors and general questions, updated some illustrations and includes previous updates.

    MA 3rd 2nd Asst 8.5 - July 2024 - Added new motors and general questions, updated some illustrations and includes previous updates.

    MA Chief Unlimited 8.5 - July 2024 - Added new motors and general questions, updated some illustrations and includes previous updates.

    Custom Build - This is a custom build for a single customer, do not use for an update.

    Replace Missing File - This is a build for replacing a missing file, do not use for an update.